

The Hungarian National Currency is the Forint (Ft). The currency can be found in the following denominations:-




5 Forints

500 Forints

10 Forints

1000 Forints

20 Forints

2000 Forints

50 Forints

5000 Forints

100 Forints

10000 Forints

200 Forints

20000 Forints


Transactions take place in Forints, however it is not uncommon to see more expensive items advertisedin Euro. Credit cards are widely accepted, though be advised there may be a small percentage added to the total if you do. Currency is easily exchanged at banks and authorised exchange houses and will accept most currencies. Caution is advised as some exchange houses may advertise a 'guide' rate and so please verify with the cashier the exact ratebefore making the transaction. Travellers cheques may be exchanged in banks though few accept them.